I love this Valentine's Day word search printable as a great fun way to have the Wee Child do something educational and fun around a holiday we love. I try to keep our homeschool classroom fun and easy. Not to be without challenge, but to be a way he can learn without feeling forced to do things he hates. Vocabulary and spelling can often be drudgery to him, but word searches are always a hit. ...
Kids Book Club Books & Top Picks for Tween
We are huge fans of reading, and I am happy to say so are all of our kids here at You Brew My Tea. That's why I wanted to share some of our Top Kids Book Club Books & Top Picks for Tween. This list has great options you can use for group reading with friends, or a formal book club. This post contains affiliate links. I will earn a commission on purchases made via these links. Best ...
Rustic Chicken Cacciatore
Sometimes you simply need that meal that leaves you feeling satisfied like no other. Since pasta is always a popular choice in our home, this Rustic Chicken Cacciatore is a meal that we truly feel is worth waiting for. My Beau is always in the kitchen creating something new, and this is by far one of my favorite creations he has presented. We loved how fresh and hearty the sauce is, but the ...
Reasons Core Strength Is Important For Weight Loss
As I continue trying to get healthier, I stumble across these reasons core strength is important for weight loss in almost every magazine I read. My sister and I are both magazine hoarders at times, and we share back and forth. I love her large variety of reading material. Especially since I have been really trying to improve my own health this year. I truly want to drop some weight and become ...
10 Reasons To Use Essential Oils
Do you love essential oils as much as we do? While I don't think they are a miracle cure for everything as some do, here are 10 Reasons To Use Essential Oil that I love. Essential oils are always our “go to” when we want a home remedy that will work. I love being able to relieve nausea, help a headache or simply calm myself down to sleep easier with a bit of aromatherapy. 10 Reasons To Use ...