Let's face it - there is a constant struggle to become debt free. We all have issues juggling our finances from time to time and unfortunately, with the state of the economy, that means many of us have found ourselves in a considerable amount of debt. Since I have been there, and still struggle at times to overcome financial stress, I am happy to share some basic tips to becoming debt ...
Chores for 5 Year Old's with Free Printable
The internet is flooded with an overwhelming amount of information on what types of chores are appropriate for what ages. Some of these ideas are unrealistic and others well, are pretty underwhelming. There are many things that go into determining the perfect chores for 5-year-olds but, that is a whole different post. Here I will be sharing with you my list of ideas that work well for a ...
5 Great Things To Buy At Thrift Shops
I don't write about it often any more, but I am a rather frugal person. Not only has necessity made me that way, I actually truly enjoy finding bargains and deals. While I don't coupon near as much now as I use to, I do still watch sales, find good prices and stock up when I can for future days when it may cost more. One thing however, that I have loved as far back as I can remember, is ...
WW Announces WellnessWorks Incentives for Members
WOW! It is official! Today, WW Announces WellnessWorks Incentives Program for Members! Starting October 4, 2018, all members of the WW (formerly Weight Watchers) program will have multiple options within their app and dashboard for incentive programs to help make their journey better! WW Announces WellnessWorks Incentives Program for Members This post contains affiliate links. I may earn ...
FREE Fall Spelling Worksheets For Early Readers
I am a part of many homeschool groups and boards through social media. I enjoy reading others tips, ideas and questions, because it helps me to know I'm not alone in my struggles, but also makes me aware of things I might be missing in my sons curriculum. One thing we have found since he has really started reading steadily is that he has a desire to learn how to spell more words. While I had ...